Welcome to Wilson Elser's Lawyers Risk Management Resource Center
The Lawyers Risk Management Resource Center, jointly provided by Wilson Elser and Ascot Specialty Insurance Services, is designed to help you better understand and manage the risks in your legal practice.
Familiar with the substance and subtleties of risks faced by lawyers and law firms, we are committed to delivering quality and timely best practices, advice and risk management guidance specific to the legal profession.
The Resource Center allows you to:
Browse insightful articles addressing current issues that are important for managing risks within a law firm regarding client issues and internal firm management.
Download documents from a growing library of forms that serve as templates for engagement letters and other communications.
Use the quick and easy link or hotline phone number to “contact us” with questions relating to risk management, litigation avoidance or best practices.
We hope you will make this informative and useful site a frequent destination.
Information on this site is for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice or legal opinion on specific facts or circumstances or as a solicitation of legal business.